Test 10 Questions ATPL - Airline Transport Pilot license - VFR Communications, no time limit

1 - Under which of the following circumstances may you expect a solid reception of the TOWER frequency 118.2 MHz:
2 - What does the instruction 'Orbit right' mean ?
3 - What is the radiotelephony call sign for the aeronautical station providing flight information service:
4 - RADAR instructs aircraft X-BC:'X-BC squawk ident'. What does this mean:
5 - How shall a pilot inform a radar control unit that the aircraft is not equipped with transponder:
6 - Which phrase shall be used if you want to say: 'Yes':
7 - In order to avoid CB a pilot wants to turn right to a magnetic heading of 100 degrees. The correct way to ask the ATC unit for permission is:
8 - Which of the messages listed below shall not be handled by the aeronautical mobile service?
9 - The clearance: 'cleared for immediate take-off runway 03' is:
10 - What is the transponder code for radio communication failure: