Test 10 Questions bpl-gas, no time limit

1 - UTC is...
2 - Which of the following options are possible SSR-Transponder modes?
3 - Vienna (LOWW) is located at 016° 34'E, Salzburg (LOWS) at 013° 00'E. The latitude of both positions can be considered as equal. What is the difference of sunrise and sunset times, expressed in UTC, between Wien and Salzburg? (2,00 P.)
4 - The assembly of the panels to the hull of a web-less gas balloon is done ...
5 - How do spread and relative humidity change with increasing temperature?
6 - On summerdays with calm winds, the balloon pilot has to expect:
7 - Under what conditions may class D airspace be entered with a radio failure?
8 - What information is provided in the general part (GEN) of the AIP?
9 - A cross-country flight is made using the ICAO 1 : 500.000 aeronautical chart. An overflight crosscheck shows that a distance of 6 cm in the chart has been passed within 9 minutes. After how many more minutes, the overflight of another waypoint at a chart distance of additional 4 cm can be expected?
10 - In a METAR, "heavy rain" is designated by the identifier...