Test 10 Questions Quiz BPL Gas - Balloon Pilot License - Meteorology, no time limit

1 - How do spread and relative humidity change with increasing temperature?
2 - What condition may prevent the formation of "radiation fog"?
3 - Mountain side updrafts can be intensified by ...
4 - Heavy downdrafts and strong wind shear close to the ground can be expected...
5 - What chart shows areas of precipitation?
6 - What visual flight conditions can be expected within the warm sector of a polar front low during summer time?
7 - What process results in the formation of "orographic fog" ("hill fog")?
8 - Which process may result in an inversion layer at about 5000 ft (1500 m) height?
9 - What wind conditions can be expected in areas showing large distances between isobars?
10 - The pressure at MSL in ISA conditions is...