Test 10 Questions Quiz BPL Gas - Balloon Pilot License - Principles of Flight (Balloon), no time limit

1 - The standard state of gases refers to which temperature?
2 - Below maximum differential pressure of a gas balloon, temperature increase of the carrying gas by 1K results in:
3 - How does the norm height of a gas balloon with maximum differential pressure change by dropping ballast?
4 - In a given height, a given amount of ballast is uloaded from a gas balloon. How is the increase in height at 5500m different from the increase in height at MSL by unloading the same amount of ballast?
5 - How does a gas react when released from a pressurized container?
6 - The dynamic lift created by airflow across the top of the envelope of a balloon on the ground is referred to as?
7 - What effect can sudden insolation from sunlight have on a gas balloon?
8 - What is the relationship between pressure and volume of a dry gas at constant temperature?
9 - With pressure and temperature given, any gas being heavier or lighter than air depends on what?
10 - What statement is correct with regard to the density of a gas?