Test 10 Questions bpl-hot-air, no time limit

1 - The aerostatic lift corresponds to which force?
2 - Before take-off, the balloon pilot realises that the maximum take-off mass has been exceeded by 5%. What has to be done?
3 - Which altitude is displayed on the altimeter when set to a specific QNH?
4 - What amount of ignitable mixture can be made from 1 L (0,001 m3) liquid propane gas?
5 - Which distances to clouds have to be maintained during a VFR flight in airpaces C, D and E?
6 - Under which conditions "back side weather" ("Rückseitenwetter") can be expected?
7 - At which conditions does the arm blower have the highest effeiciency?
8 - The ratio between air pressures at different heights is referred to as:
9 - The term 'isogonal' or 'isogonic line' is defined as a line on an aeronautical chart, connecting all points with the same value of...
10 - Under which conditions, no harzards should be expected for a balloon ride?