Test 10 Questions Quiz BPL Hot Air - Balloon Pilot License - Flight Performance and Planning, no time limit

1 - After take-off with a balloon, obstacles at a distance of 600 m erect in expected flight path up to 40 m height. Rate of climb is expected with 1.5 m/s. What maximum actual wind speed can be accepted to maintain a clearance of 50 m above obstacles, assuming double the actual wind speed for calculation?
2 - (For this question, please use annex PFP-063) According ICAO, what symbol indicates a general spot elevation? Siehe Anlage 7
question PFP-063.jpg
3 - At time of take-off, ground wind speed is 3 m/s. Along take-off flight path, at a distance of 270 m obstacles erect up to 40 m. What is the minimum rate of climb to keep a clearance of 50 m above the obstacles? (Consider double the ground wind speed for the flight path)
4 - Given the following masses: Empty mass 260 kg Instruments 20 kg per gas container (full): 30 kg per person: 80 kg Assuming temperature ISA+10, how many persons may be carried in the basket at maximum, if the balloon with 4 gas containers has to climb up to pressure altitude 12.000 ft ? (use attachment ECQB-PPL_BPL001) Siehe Anlage 1
question ECQB-PPL_BPL001.jpg
5 - The upper limit of LO R 16 equals... See annex (PFP-056) Siehe Anlage 2
question PFP-056.jpg
6 - Before take-off, the balloon pilot realises that the maximum take-off mass has been exceeded by 5%. What has to be done?
7 - Given the following masses: Empty mass 240 kg Instruments 20 kg per gas container (full): 30 kg per person: 80 kg Up to which pressure altitude can the balloon climb with 5 persons and 4 gas containers in the basket, assuming temperatures 10° below ISA? (use attachment ECQB-PPL_BPL001) Siehe Anlage 1
question ECQB-PPL_BPL001.jpg
8 - (For this question, please use annex PFP-061) According ICAO, what symbol indicates a group of unlighted obstacles? Siehe Anlage 5
question PFP-061.jpg
9 - A cross-country flight is made using the ICAO 1 : 500.000 aeronautical chart. An overflight crosscheck shows that a distance of 4 cm in the chart has been passed within 12 minutes. After how many more minutes, the overflight of another waypoint at a chart distance of additional 6 cm can be expected?
10 - What effect has the elevation above MSL of an airfield on the carrying force and maximum take-off mass of a balloon?