Test 10 Questions Quiz BPL Hot Air - Balloon Pilot License - Meteorology, no time limit

1 - Which processes result in decreasing air density?
2 - What pressure pattern can be observed during the passage of a polar front low?
3 - What weather conditions in Central Europe are typically found in high pressure areas during summer?
4 - Temperatures will be given by meteorological aviation services in Europe in which unit?
5 - What process results in the formation of "advection fog"?
6 - What conditions are mandatory for the formation of thermal thunderstorms?
7 - In a METAR, "heavy rain" is designated by the identifier...
8 - With other factors remaining constant, decreasing temperature results in...
9 - What weather development will result from convergence at ground level?
10 - When air masses meet each other head on, how is this referred to and what air movements will follow?