Test 10 Questions Quiz BPL Hot Air - Balloon Pilot License - Meteorology, no time limit

1 - What kind of reduction in visibility is not very sensitive to changes in temperature?
2 - Moderate to severe turbulence has to be expected...
3 - With regard to thunderstorms, strong up- and downdrafts appear during the...
4 - When air masses meet each other head on, how is this referred to and what air movements will follow?
5 - The movement of air flowing together is called...
6 - Above the friction layer, with a prevailing pressure gradient, the wind direction is...
7 - What can be expected for the prevailling wind with isobars on a surface weather chart showing large distances?
8 - Mountain side updrafts can be intensified by ...
9 - What weather conditions may be expected during conditionally unstable conditions?
10 - A boundary between a cold polar air mass and a warm subtropical air mass showing no horizontal displacement is called...