Test 10 Questions Quiz BPL Hot Air - Balloon Pilot License - Navigation, no time limit

1 - How many satellites are necessary for a precise and verified three-dimensional determination of the position?
2 - Where does the inclination reach its lowest value?
3 - Electronic devices on board of an aeroplane have influence on the...
4 - What is the difference in time when the sun moves 10° of longitude?
5 - Point A on the Earth's surface lies exactly on the parallel of latitude of 47°50'27''N. Which point is exactly 240 NM north of A?
6 - 5500 m equal...
7 - The term ‚magnetic course' (MC) is defined as...
8 - Which are the properties of a Mercator chart?
9 - A distance of 7.5 cm on an aeronautical chart represents a distance of 60.745 NM in reality. What is the chart scale?
10 - The circumference of the Earth at the equator is approximately... See figure (NAV-002) Siehe Anlage 1
question NAV-002.jpg