Test 10 Questions EASA Drone Quiz - Meteorology, no time limit

1 - The remote pilot will be able to rely on solar activity:
2 - What is WIND SHEAR?
3 - In the mature phase of a storm, the speed of the movement of air masses towards the bass:
4 - How we can classify winds according to their origin?
5 - Flying in an urban environment I can expect more turbulence:
6 - Knowing that it is 1 September, what is the local time according to this METAR: EHAM 011525Z 27015KT 230V290 9999 FEW038 18/09 Q1016 NOSIG= ?
7 - What lights must the UAV have in order to be qualified for night flight?
8 - Is the flight of a UAV affected by environmental temperature?
9 - When switching on the UAV with the battery 'cold':
10 - In VLOS it is important to control temperature, pressure and visibility in order to always remain in visual contact with the UAV?