Test 10 Questions FAA Drone Quiz - Meteorology, no time limit

1 - How are the weather conditions at Los Angeles International Airport (KLAX) best described?
question how-are-the-weather-conditions-at-los-angeles-international-airport-klax-best-described-image10.jpg
2 - What is the correct UNICOM frequency to be used at Coeur d'Alene to request fuel?
question what-is-the-correct-unicom-frequency-to-be-used-at-coeur-dalene-to-request-fuel-image14.jpg
3 - In the TAF from KOKC, the "FM (FROM) Group" is forecast for the hours from 1600Z to 2200Z with the wind from
question in-the-taf-from-kokc-the-fm-from-group-is-forecast-for-the-hours-from-1600z-to-2200z-with-the-wind-from-image32.jpg
4 - In the sectional chart below, what kind of airspace is enclosed by the hash-marked magenta border?
question in-the-sectional-chart-below-what-kind-of-airspace-is-enclosed-by-the-hash-marked-magenta-border-image5.jpg
5 - Where would you go to obtain more information about restricted airspace R-2531?
question where-would-you-go-to-obtain-more-information-about-restricted-airspace-r-2531-image4.jpg
6 - How tall is the tallest tower in the group of towers approximately 15 statute miles south of Minot International Airport?
question how-tall-is-the-tallest-tower-in-the-group-of-towers-approximately-15-statute-miles-south-of-minot-international-airport-image7.jpg
7 - What is the CTAF/UNICOM frequency at Barnes County Airport?
question what-is-the-ctafunicom-frequency-at-barnes-county-airport-image35.jpg
8 - While monitoring the Cooperstown CTAF you hear an aircraft announce that they are midfield left downwind to RWY 13. Where would the aircraft be relative to the runway?
question while-monitoring-the-cooperstown-ctaf-you-hear-an-aircraft-announce-that-they-are-midfield-left-downwind-to-rwy-13-where-would-the-aircraft-be-relative-to-the-runway-image33.jpg
9 - What is the floor of the Class E airspace surrounding Mercer Co Rgnl (HZE)?
question what-is-the-floor-of-the-class-e-airspace-surrounding-mercer-co-rgnl-hze-image9.jpg
10 - If an unmanned airplane weighs 33 pounds, what approximate weight would the airplane structure be required to support during a 30° banked turn while maintaining altitude?
question if-an-unmanned-airplane-weighs-33-pounds-what-approximate-weight-would-the-airplane-structure-be-required-to-support-during-a-30-banked-turn-while-maintaining-altitude-image6.jpg