Test 10 Questions FAA Drone Quiz - Regulations, no time limit

1 - One of the purposes for issuing a Temporary Flight restriction (TFR) is to
2 - You had several drinks yesterday and are experiencing a hangover today. Even though the last drink was over 8 hours ago, would you still be allowed to conduct commercial drone flight operations today?
3 - What is the minimum age for a person to be eligible to receive the Part 107 remote pilot certificate?
4 - Which of the following types of operations are excluded from the requirements in part 107?
5 - According to the Part 107 rules, operations of a drone from a moving vehicle is allowed only if this condition is satisfied:
6 - When you submit a LAANC request, you can submit it
7 - Use the acronym IMSAFE before operating your sUAS to
8 - According to 14 CFR part 107, what is the maximum groundspeed for a small UA?
9 - What is the minimum visibility where drone operations are permitted?
10 - To find out more information about parachute operations in the vicinity of an airport, what would you look at?