Test 10 Questions ppl-en, no time limit

1 - How can the pilot of an an engine-driven aircraft minimise the noise emission during descent and approach?
2 - The term "maximum elevation figure" (MEF) is defined as...
3 - Which climb speed may be used to optimize the rate of climb (e.g. to reach a desired altitude within minimum time)?
4 - A pilot wants to approach an NDB on QDM 090°. The aircraft flies for about 5 minutes with a magnetic heading (MH) of 095° and the RBI indication of 355°. After 6 minutes the RBI indicates 358°. Which statement is correct?
5 - The transponder code in case of hi-jacking is...
6 - May an engine, which previously was on fire, be restarted?
7 - What phenomenon is caused by cold air downdrafts with precipitation from a fully developed thunderstorm cloud?
8 - Air traffic control service is conducted by which services?
9 - The formation of medium to large precipitation particles requires...
10 - What radio navigation aid can be received with the attached aerial? See figure (NAV-017) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 5
question 90-84.jpg