Test 10 Questions PPL(A) - Private Pilot License - Communication, no time limit

1 - Which abbreviation is used for the term "obstacle"?
2 - Distress messages are messages...
3 - What does the abbreviation "QDR" stand for?
4 - In what cases is visibility transmitted in kilometers?
5 - What is the correct abbreviation of the call sign D-EAZF?
6 - What is the correct way of acknowledging the instruction "DZF after lift-off climb straight ahead until 2500 feet before turning right heading 220 degrees, wind 090 degrees, 5 knots, runway 12, cleared for take-off"?
7 - What is the correct way of using the aircraft call sign at first contact?
8 - What is the correct way of establishing radio communication between D-EAZF and Dusseldorf Tower?
9 - What does a cloud coverage of "FEW" mean in a METAR weather report?
10 - In what case is the pilot allowed to abbreviate the call sign of his aircraft?