Test 10 Questions PPL(A) - Private Pilot License - Meteorology, no time limit

1 - What weather conditions can be expected in high pressure areas during summer?
2 - What wind conditions can be expected in areas showing large distances between isobars?
3 - What pressure pattern can be observed when a cold front is passing?
4 - Which type of ice forms by very small water droplets and ice crystals hitting the front surfaces of an aircraft?
5 - The pressure at MSL in ISA conditions is...
6 - What temperatures are most dangerous with respect to airframe icing?
7 - How can wind speed and wind direction be derived from surface weather charts?
8 - What kind of reduction in visibility is not very sensitive to changes in temperature?
9 - What information can be obtained from satallite images?
10 - With other factors remaining constant, decreasing temperature results in...