Test 10 Questions spl-en, no time limit

1 - Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for hypoxia?
2 - (For this question, please use annex PFP-063) According ICAO, what symbol indicates a general spot elevation? (2,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 6
question PFP-063.jpg
3 - What is an appropriate reaction when a passenger during cruise flight suddenly feels uncomfortable?
4 - Durig flight close to aerodrome in about 250 m AGL you encouter strong descent and go for a safety landing. What speed should be flown when heading towards the airfield?
5 - What is the correct way to transmit the call sign OE-JVK?
6 - Which point on the aerofoil is represented by number 4? See figure (PFA-009) Siehe Anlage 2
question PFA-009.jpg
7 - Along with other gliders, you are circling in a thermal updraft. Who determines the direction of circling?
8 - What is the purpose of the semi-circular rule?
9 - The term 'agonic line' is defined as a line on Earth or an aeronautical chart, connecting all points with the...
10 - Regarding the type of cloud, precipitation is classified as...