Test 10 Questions Quiz SPL - Sailplane Pilot License - Aircraft General Knowledge, no time limit

1 - Which cockpit instruments are connected to the static port?
2 - An energy-compensated vertical speed inicator (VSI) shows during stationary glide the vertical speed...
3 - With decreasing air density the airflow speed increases at stall speed (TAS) and vice verca. How has a final approach to be conducted on a hot summer day?
4 - During a right turn, the yaw string is drawn to the left from center position. By what rudder input can the string be centered again?
5 - Which constructional elements give the wing its profile shape?
6 - A vertical speed indicator measures the difference between...
7 - A true altitude is...
8 - What is necessary for the determination of speed (IAS) by the airspeed indicator?
9 - The compass error caused by the aircraft's magnetic field is called...
10 - What difference in altitude is shown by an altimeter, if the reference pressure scale setting is changed from 1000 hPa to 1010 hPa?