Test 10 Questions Quiz SPL - Sailplane Pilot License - Human Performance and limitations, no time limit

1 - What is the best combination of traits with respect to the individual attitude and behaviour for a pilot?
2 - Which optical illusion might be caused by a runway with an upslope during the approach?
3 - What is the function of the blood platelets (thrombocytes)?
4 - What is an appropriate reaction when a passenger during cruise flight suddenly feels uncomfortable?
5 - Regarding the communication model, how can the use of the same code during radio communication be ensured?
6 - Air consists of oxygen, nitrogen and other gases. What is the approximate percentage of other gases?
7 - Carbon monoxide poisoning can be caused by...
8 - At which point in the diagram will a pilot find himself to be overstrained? See figure (HPL-002) P = Perfromance A = Arousal / Stress Siehe Anlage 1
question hpl-002.jpg
9 - From which altitude on does the body usually react to the decreasing atmospheric pressure?
10 - What is the correct term for the system which, among others, controls breathing, digestion, and heart frequency?