Test 10 Questions Quiz SPL - Sailplane Pilot License - Navigation, no time limit

1 - Given: WCA: -012°; TH: 125°; MC: 139°; DEV: 002°E What are: TC, MH und CH? (2,00 P.)
2 - UTC is...
3 - What is the distance between the parallels of latitude 48°N and 49°N along a meridian line?
4 - Where are the two polar circles?
5 - Given: TC: 183°; WCA: +011°; MH: 198°; CH: 200° What are the TH and the DEV? (2,00 P.)
6 - The term 'True Course' (TC) is defined as...
7 - Given: Ground speed (GS): 160 kt. True course (TC): 177°. Wind vector (W/WS): 140°/20 kt. The true heading (TH) equals...
8 - A distance of 7.5 cm on an aeronautical chart represents a distance of 60.745 NM in reality. What is the chart scale?
9 - An aircraft is flying at a pressure altitude of 7000 feet with an outside air temperature (OAT) of +21°C. The QNH altitude is 6500 ft. The true altitude equals...
10 - What is the distance between the two parallels of longitude 150°E and 151°E along the equator?