In the ATC flight plan Item 15, for a flight along a designated route, where the departure aerodrome is not on or connected to that route:4
An aircraft has a maximum certificated take-off mass of 137000 kg but is operating at take- off mass 135000 kg. In Item 9 of the ATC flight plan its wake turbulence category is:4
For the purposes of Item 9 (Wake turbulence category) of the ATC flight plan, an aircraft with a maximum certificated take-off mass of 62000 kg is:4
When completing Item 9 of the ATC flight plan, if there is no appropriate aircraft designator, the following should be entered:4
Item 9 of the ATC flight plan includes 'NUMBER AND TYPE OF AIRCRAFT'. In this case 'NUMBER' means:4
When completing an ATC flight plan, an elapsed time (Item 1 6) of 1 hour 55 minutes should be entered as:4
When completing an ATC flight plan for a European destination, clock times are to be expressed in:4
In the ATS flight plan, for a non-scheduled flight which of the following letters should be entered in item 8 (type of flight):4
In the ATC flight plan item 7, for a radio equipped aircraft, the identifier must always:4
In the ATC flight plan item 15, it is necessary to enter any point at which a change of cruising speed takes place. For this purpose a 'change of speed' is defined as:4