The distance on a Lambert's chart, between two parallels of latitude the same number of degrees apart:4
A map is conformal when:4
In which of the following projections does a plane surface touch the reduced Earth at one of the Poles?4
An aircraft passes position A (60°00'N 120°00'W) enroute to position B (60°00'N 140°30'W).What is the great circle track on departure from A?4
The circumference of the parallel of latitude at 60°N is approximately:4
Route 'A' (44°N 026°E) to 'B' (46°N 024°E) forms an angle of 35° with longitude 026°E. Variation at A is 3°E. What is the initial magnetic track from A to B?4
The automatic flight control system (AFCS) in an aircraft is coupled to the guidance outputs from an inertial navigation system (INS) and the aircraft is flying from waypoint No. 2 (60°00'S 070°00'W) to No. 3 (60°00'S 080°00'W).Comparing the initial track (T) at 070°00'W and the final track (T) at 080°00'W, the difference between them is that the initial track is approximately:4
The automatic flight control system is coupled to the guidance outputs from an inertial navigation system.Which pair of latitudes will give the greatest difference between initial track read-out and the average true course given, in each case, a difference of longitude of 10°?4
The automatic flight control system (AFCS) in an aircraft is coupled to the guidance outputs from an inertial navigation system (INS).The aircraft is flying between inserted waypoints No. 3 (55°00'N 020°00'W) and No.4 (55°00'N 030°00'W).With DSRTK/STS selected on the CDU, to the nearest whole degree, the initial track read-out from waypoint No. 3 will be:4
A great circle track crosses the equator at 30°W has an initial track of 035°T. It's highest or lowest North/South point is:4