In accordance with EASA-OPS, 100 % of the passengers in a non-pressurised aircraft shall be supplied with supplemental oxygen for the entire flight time at pressure altitudes above:4
For a non pressurised aircraft, all occupants of flight deck seats on flight deck duty shall be supplied with supplemental oxygen during:4
If a pilot has connected the automatic pilot to the gyro compass (which is assumed to be operating correctly) and the latter is fitted with a rate correction device which is properly corrected by astronomical precession, the course followed by the aircraft (in still air conditions) is a:4
On a polar stereographic chart whose grid is parallel with the Greenwich meridian in the direction of the true North pole, the 'true' orientation of the great circle linking point 62N 010E to point 66N 050W is 305. The grid route at the starting point of this great circle is:4
During a transoceanic and polar flight, the chart precession is a rotation in degrees, for a moving aircraft, of the gyro North with respect to the:4
If it exists, the M.M.E.L. (Master Minimum Equipment List) is drawn up by:4
The minimum equipment list (MEL) gives the equipment which can be inoperative when undertaking a flight and the additional procedures to be observed accordingly. This list is prepared by:4
An aeroplane having undergone an anti-icing procedure and having exceeded the holdover time of the anti-icing fluid:4
At a high ambient temperature (+ 30° C) and with a relative humidity as low as 40 %, in clear air, free of fog and precipitation, serious carburettor icing:4
Which statement is correct about noise abatement procedures during landing?4