During certification test flights for a turbojet aeroplane, the actual measured take-off runs from brake release to a point equidistant between the point at which VLOF is reached and the point at which the aeroplane is 35' above the take-off surface are:- 1747 m, all engines operating- 1950 m, with the critical engine failure recognized at V1, the other factors remaining unchanged.Considering both possibilities to determine the take-off run (TOR). What is the correct distance?4
In certain conditions V2 can be limited by Vmca:4
Which statement regarding V1 is correct?4
Which of the alternatives represents the correct relationship?4
The take-off distance available is:4
Which statement related to a take-off from a wet runway is correct?4
The 'maximum tyre speed' limits:4
Which of the following sets of factors will increase the climb-limited TOM (every factor considered independently)?4
A four jet-engine aeroplane (mass = 150 000 kg) is established on climb with all engines operating. The lift-to-drag ratio is 14.Each engine has a thrust of 75 000 Newton. The gradient of climb is: (given: g= 10 m/s 2)4
Which of the following statements with regard to the actual acceleration height at the beginning of the 3rd climb segment is correct?4