Any acceleration in climb, with a constant power setting:4
Take-off performance data, for the ambient conditions, show the following limitations with flap 10° selected:- runway limit: 5270 kg- obstacle limit: 4630 kgEstimated take-off mass is 5000 kg Considering a take-off with flaps at:4
What effect has a tailwind on the maximum endurance speed?4
Maximum Tyre Speed can limit the Lift-off Speed.Which kind of speed can be directly used to determine this limitation?4
A higher pressure altitude at ISA temperature:4
An aeroplane executes a steady glide at the speed for minimum glide angle. If the forward speed is kept constant, what is the effect of a lower mass? Rate of descent / Glide angle / CL / CD ratio4
Which of the following factors leads to the maximum flight time of a glide?4
An aircraft has two certified landing flaps positions, 25° and 35°. If a pilot chooses 25° instead of 35°, the aircraft will have:4
With regard to the graph for the light twin aeroplane, will the accelerate and stop distance be achieved in a take-off where the brakes are released before take-off power is set?4
What is the result of a large take off flap setting compared to a small take off flap setting on required Take-off Distance (TOD) and the field length limited Take-off Mass (TOM)?4