What happens to the drag of a jet aeroplane if, during the initial climb after take off, constant IAS is maintained?(Assume a constant mass)4
The best rate of climb at a constant gross mass:4
A jet aeroplane equipped with old engines has a specific fuel consumption of 0.06 kg per Newton of thrust and per hour and, in a given flying condition, a fuel consumption of 14 kg per NM. In the same flying conditions, the same aeroplane equipped with modern engines with a specific fuel consumption of 0.035 kg per Newton of thrust and per hour, has a fuel consumption per NM of:4
The tangent from the origin to the power required against true airspeed curve, for a jet aeroplane, determines the speed for:4
The lowest point of the thrust required curve of a jet aeroplane is the point for:4
In straight horizontal steady flight, at speeds below that for minimum drag:4
After engine failure the aeroplane is unable to maintain its cruising altitude. What is the procedure which should be followed?4
In a given configuration the endurance of a piston engine aeroplane only depends on:4
The approach climb requirement has been established so that the aeroplane will achieve:4
At reference or use Performance Manual MEP 1 Figure 3.2 Given:OAT: -10°CPressure Altitude: 4000' RWY: 30LWind: 180°/10 KTTake off Mass: 4600 lbs Heavy Duty Brakes installedOther conditions as associated in the header of the graph.What is the Accelerate and Stop Distance under the conditions given?4