General provisions for ATS - Content of voice position reports (according Doc444 4)A complete position report transmitted by radiotelephony shall contain the following elements of information in the order listed.4
Communications Failure - Flight ProceduresYou are on a flight in accordance with IFR in IMC, exactly on the current flight plan route.At 18:36 UTC you receive and acknowledge the following instruction from the radar controller:'Turn immediately, fly heading 050° until further advised'.At 18:37 UTC you discover a communication failure. Two way radio communication cannot be established again.4
When 'Secondary Radar' is used, an aircraft may be identified by one of the following procedures:4
Two minutes separation may be used between departing aircraft if they are to fly on the same track, when:4
The radar separation minimum may be reduced but not below:4
Which of the following statements regarding aerodrome control service is correct?3
A Special Air Report comprises a number of sections. In section I the pilot fills in:4
If the crew on an arriving aircraft approaching a controlled aerodrome will report 'field in sight', a clearance for 'visual approach' may be given under certain conditions4
Lights on and in the vicinity of aerodromes may be turned off, provided that they can be again brought into operation:4
Longitudinal separation minima based on time for aircraft at the same cruising level when navigation aids permit frequent determination of position and speed will be4