Which degree of aircraft turbulence is determined by the following ICAO description?'There may be moderate changes in aircraft attitude and/or altitude but the aircraft remains in positive control at all times. Usually, small variations in air speed. Changes in accelerometer readings of 0.5 to 1.0 g at the aircraft's centre of gravity. Occupants feel strain against seat belts. Loose objects move about. Food service and walking are difficult.'4
What name is given to the jet stream lying over North Africa (B) ?4
What name is given to the jet stream lying across India (A)?4
An aircraft is flying through the polar front jet stream from south to north, beneath the core. How would the OAT change, in the northern hemisphere, during this portion of the flight?4
What is the average height of the arctic jet stream core?4
What is the average height of the jet core within a polar front jet stream?4
An aircraft is flying from south to north, above the polar front jet stream, at FL 400 in the southern hemisphere. What change, if any, in temperature will be experienced?4
What is the minimum speed for a wind to be classified as a jet stream?4
A wind sounding in the region of a polar front jet stream gives the following wind profile (Northern hemisphere):900 hPa 220/20kt800 hPa 220/25kt700 hPa 230/35kt500 hPa 260/60kt400 hPa 280/85kt300hPa 300/100kt250hPa 310/120kt200hPa 310/80ktWhich system is the jet stream associated with?4
Which of the following types of jet streams can be observed all year round?4