In accordance with OPS 1, for aeroplanes certified before the 1 April 1998, cockpit voice recorder (CVR), when required, must keep the conversations and sound alarms recorded during the last:4
In accordance with IR-OPS an operator must ensure that the lowest MDH for a NDB approach without CDFA technique shall not be lower than:4
In accordance with JAR-OPS, an operator must ensure that the MDH for a VOR approach is not lower than:4
In accordance with JAR-OPS, an operator must ensure that the MDH for a VOR/DME approach is not lower than:4
In accordance with EASA-OPS, an operator must ensure that the MDH for an ILS approach without the glidepath (LLZ only) is not lower than:4
In accordance with EU-OPS, which of the following are included in the Aerodrome Operating Minima for a non-precision approach?1 - the required RVR 2 - the ceiling3 - the minimum descent height (MDH) 4 - the decision height (DH)4
In accordance with the fuel policy for isolated aerodromes (JAR-OPS 1), for aeroplanes with turbine engines, the amount of Additional Fuel should not be less than the fuel to fly after arriving overhead the destination aerodrome for:4
JAR-OPS 1 requires that a co-pilot does not serve at the flight controls (as pilot flying or pilot non-flying) as part of the minimum certificated crew unless:4
The coverage angle of the red navigation / position light is:4
When requested by an Authority to produce the aircraft documentation required to be carried on board, the commander:4