A public address system is required to operate an airplane whose maximum approved passenger seating configuration is greater than:4
During a flight to Europe, scheduled in MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Specification) airspace, you expect to cross the 30°W meridian at 0300 UTC4
The Minimum Equipment List (MEL) is established by:4
The accumulation of frost, snow or ice on an aeroplane in flight induces an increase in the:4
The anti-icing fluid protecting film can wear off and reduce considerably the holdover time:4
As regards the detection of bird strike hazard, pilots may obtain information on bird strike hazards by means of:1 - ATIS2 - NOTAMs3 - BIRDTAMs4 - Weather radar5 - The report by another crewThe combination regrouping all the correct statements is:4
According to the recommended noise abatement procedures contained in the ICAO PANS OPS 8168 Volume I part V, data available indicates that the procedure which results in noise relief during the part of the procedure close to the airport:4
Fire fighting in the toilets must be performed with:4
A 1211 halon fire-extinguisher can be used for:1. a paper fire2. a fabric fire3. an electric fire4. a wood fire5. a hydrocarbon fireThe combination regrouping all the correct statements is:4
You would use a powder fire-extinguisher for:1. a paper fire2. a plastic fire3. a hydrocarbon fire4. an electrical fireThe combination regrouping all the correct statements is:4