The consumption of medicines or other substances may have consequences on qualification to fly for the following reasons:1. The disease requiring a treatment may be cause for disqualification.2. Flight conditions may modify the reactions of the body to a treatment.3. Drugs may cause adverse side effects impairing flight safety.4. The effects of medicine do not necessarily immediately disappear when the treatment is stopped.4
The chemical substance responsible for addiction to tobacco is4
Visual acuity during flight at high altitudes can be affected by:1. anaemia2. smoking in the cockpit3. carbon monoxide poisoning4. hypoxia4
Barotrauma is caused by an increase or decrease in the volume of the gases contained in the body's cavities. Which, in practice, are the most frequent locations of such problems?4
Tetanus is transmitted through:4
How can the process of learning be facilitated?4
Conscious perception4
The main limitation of the long-term memory is:4
1. Lively information is easier to take into consideration for creating a mental picture than boring information.2.The sequence in which information is offered is also important for the use the pilot makes of it.4
It is desirable to standardize as many patterns of behaviour (operating procedures) as possible in commercial aviation mainly because4