Under which condition should you fly considerably lower (4 000 ft or more) than the optimum altitude ?4
The drift down procedure specifies requirements concerning the:4
An aeroplane carries out a descent from FL 410 to FL 270 at cruise Mach number, and from FL 270 to FL 100 at the IAS reached at FL 270.How does the angle of descent change in the first and in the second part of the descent? Assume idle thrust and clean configuration and ignore compressibility effects.4
At reference or use or Performance Manual MEP 1 Figure 3.2 Given:OAT: 25°CPressure Altitude: 3000 ft RWY: 24LWind: 310°/20ktsTake off Mass: 4400 lbs Heavy Duty Brakes installed.Other conditions as associated in the header of the graph.What is the Accelerate and Stop Distance under the conditions given?4
The induced drag of an aeroplane:4
What will be the influence on the aeroplane performance if aerodrome pressure altitude is increased?4
An increase in atmospheric pressure has, among other things, the following consequences on take-off performance:4
On a reciprocating engine aeroplane, with increasing altitude at constant gross mass, angle of attack and configuration the power required:4
The speed V1 is defined as:4
Which of the following combinations adversely affects take-off and initial climb performance?4