In the vicinity of SHANNON (52° N009°W) the tropopause is at about FL4
What lowest cloud conditions (oktas/ft) are forecast for JOHANNESBURG/JAN SMUTS at 0300 UTC?4
Which is the heaviest type of precipitation, if any, forecast for BORDEAUX/MERIGNAC at 1000 UTC ?4
Given:Distance from departure to destination 1860 NM GS Out 360 KTGS Home 400 KTWhat is the time of the PET from the departure point?4
Given:Distance from departure to destination 2800 NM True track 140W/V 140/100TAS 500 k What is the distance and time of the PET from the departure point?4
Refer to CAP 697 Section 4 MRJT1 Figure 4.4Given: twin jet aeroplane, Estimated mass on arrival at the alternate 50000 kg, Estimated mass on arrival at the destination 52525 kg, Alternate elevation MSL, Destination elevation 1500 ftFind: Final reserve fuel and corresponding time4
See Flight planning Manual SEP 1 Figure 2.3 Table 2.3.1.Using the Power Setting Table, for the single engine aeroplane, determine the cruise TAS and fuel flow (lbs/hr) with full throttle and cruise lean mixture in the following conditionsGiven:OAT: 3°CPressure altitude: 6000 ftPower: Full throttle / 21,0 in/Hg./ 2100 RPM4
See Flight Planning Manual SEP 1 Figure 2.5.Given: FL 75, Lean mixture, Full throttle, 2300 RPM. Take-off fuel: 444 lbs, Take-off from MSL.Find: Endurance in hours and minutes.4
See TRM (VFR), Aberdeen (Dyce) Information Page (19- 6)What is the designated departure route when using Runway 23 in bad weather and/or low visibility?4
A public transport aeroplane with reciprocating engines, the final reserve should be:4