What is the required distance to climb from FL 65 to FL 95 under the following conditions: Aircraft mass: 3000 lb. OAT in FL 65: -5° C OAT in FL 95: -15° C See annex (PFP-023) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 144
What is the required distance to climb to flight level (FL) 75 after a departure from an airfield which is located at a pressure altitude of 3000 ft with an initial mass of 3000 lbs? OAT at airfield: 25° C OAT in FL 75: 0° C See annex (PFP-023) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 144
The term "maximum elevation figure" (MEF) is defined as...4
What is the purpose of "interception lines" in visual navigation?4
The VFR semicircular rules are based on the...4
What is the lowest possible VFR flight level if a true course of 181° is selected and a variation of 3° east exists?4
The upper limit of LO R 16 equals... See annex (PFP-056) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 154
The upper limit of LO R 4 equals... See annex (PFP-030) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 164
How much taxi fuel must be consumed before take-off to reduce the aircraft mass to the maximum take-off mass? Maximum ramp mass (MRM): 1150 kg Actual ramp mass: 1148 kg Maximum take-off mass (MTOM): 1145 kg4
Considering the following fuel data, how much trip fuel is required? Fuel for start-up and taxi: 5 L Fuel for take-off and climb: 12 L Fuel for cruise flight: 25 L Fuel for descent, approach and landing: 7 L Fuel for taxi and parking: 3 L Fuel to alternate: 13 L Final reserve fuel: 10 L4