The flight data recorder must stop automatically to record the data:4
OPS 1 applies to:4
An operator must ensure that for the duration of each flight, be kept on the ground, if required:4
After an accident, the operator of an aircraft equipped with a flight recorder must keep the original recordings for a minimum period of:4
The commander is required by the authority to present the aircraft documents. He4
An operator shall not operate an aeroplane first issued with an individual certificate of airworthiness before 1 April 1998 with a maximum certificated take-off mass over 5700 kg unless it is equipped with a cockpit voice recorder which shall be capable of retaining information recorded during at least the last:4
An aircraft airworthiness certificate states a maximum of eight occupants (including pilot). The pilot has a passenger load of six adults and two children (5 and 6 years old).The boarding of all passengers is:4
In VFR public transport on an aircraft for which the flight manual indicates a minimum crew of one pilot, when do the regulations require the presence of a second pilot ?4
The aircraft is a single engine, IFR, category A with a cruising speed of 150 KT. The aircraft is flown by a single pilot.The usable runway has edge lights, high intensity runway centre lights and RVR readings for threshold, mid and end of runway.The approach minimums for runway 06 are:DH = 300'Horizontal visibility (HV) = 800 mThe weather conditions are: horizontal visibility (HV) 900 m and ceiling 200' Is take-off possible?4
The aircraft is of Category4