Test 10 Questions ATPL - Airline Transport Pilot license - Human Performance and Limitations, no time limit

1 - A barotrauma of the middle ear
2 - Medical conditions such as high blood pressure, coronary problems and diabetes are associated with:
3 - Which of the following are included in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?1. Freedom from pain and danger2. Expressions of capacities and talents3. Self-esteem needs4. Self-fulfilment needs5. Physiological needs
4 - After a cabin pressure loss at approximately 35 000 FT the TUC (Time of Useful Consciousness) will be approximately:
5 - The acquisition of a motor programme (skill) will mean that:
6 - A person being exposed to extreme or prolonged stress factors can perceive:
7 - Galactic Radiation is:
8 - After SCUBA diving (more than 30 feet of depth) you have to wait a period of time before flying again. This period is at least:
9 - In order to minimize the effects of crossing more than 3-4 time zones with a layover more than 24 hrs, it is advisable to:1. Adapt as quickly as possible to the rhythm of the arrival country2. Keep in swing with the rhythm of the departure country for as long as possible3. Maintain regular living patterns (waking ,sleeping alternation and regular meal pattern )4. Try to sleep as much as possible to overcome negative arousal effects
10 - The main limitation of the long-term memory is: