Test 10 Questions ATPL - Airline Transport Pilot license - IFR Communications, no time limit

1 - The time is 4:15 P.M. What is the correct way of transmitting this time if there is any possibility of confusion about the hour?
2 - Which word or phrase shall be used in order to repeat for clarity or emphasis?
3 - QFE is the RTF Q-code to indicate:
4 - What does the word 'negative' mean?
5 - Before transmitting the pilot should...:
6 - What does the abbreviation 'RVR' mean:
7 - What does the instruction 'Fastair 345 recycle 1240' mean?
8 - In case of a SSR transponder failure occurring after departure of an IFR flight, the pilot shall:
9 - A signal sent by radiotelephony consisting of the spoken word MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY means:
10 - The aircraft has started a descent. Select the correct radiotelephony transmission: