Test 10 Questions ATPL - Airline Transport Pilot license - IFR Communications, no time limit

1 - An 'Automatic Terminal Information Service' provides:
2 - Before transmitting the pilot should...:
3 - What does the instruction:'Fastair 345 standby 118.9 for TOWER' mean:
4 - When flying in accordance with IFR, which of the following best describes the term 'Visual approach' ?
5 - When shall the phrase 'Take-off' be used by a pilot:
6 - When an aircraft station receives the call 'ALL STATIONS Stephenville RADAR, stop transmitting MAYDAY' it is requested:
7 - What does the phrase 'break break' mean?
8 - Blind transmission shall be made:
9 - The time is 4:15 P.M. What is the correct way of transmitting this time if there is any possibility of confusion about the hour?
10 - What is the radiotelephony call sign for the aeronautical station indicating approach control radar arrivals?