Test 10 Questions ATPL - Airline Transport Pilot license - VFR Communications, no time limit

1 - What is the Q-code for 'magnetic bearing from the station'?
2 - How shall a pilot ask for a QFE ?
3 - A pilot is required to read back the following ATC message:
4 - If all attempts to establish radio contact with a ground station fail, the pilot of an aeroplane shall transmit messages preceded by the phrase:
5 - Which phraseology is to be used to ask the control tower for permission to taxi on a runway in the direction opposite to that in use ?
6 - An aircraft is squawking 7600. This indicates:
7 - What does the word "NEGATIVE" mean?
8 - A message concerning aircraft parts and material urgently required is:
9 - Which phrase shall be used to confirm that a message has been repeated correctly:
10 - Which of these phrases is used to inform the control tower that a pilot perform a missed approach: